Saturday, September 24, 2011


7 hours of lesson for today
Truly gained some exam technique from Dr. Amy
* She's really putting effort in preparing to focus for some potential exam question

Exhausted started my day from 6 morning until present.. Intend to lying on bed quickly but I need a corner to stress release..

During the break time for the lesson today, my classmates were planning for a so called 1 day trip. Sounds like 1 day trip as it included morning activities as well as for night. I'm actually excited for it and going to take this chance to get closer relationship from each others.

Sigh. the place they planning for is at BOTANICAL GARDEN where my deep deep scars created since the accident. Seriously, I have phobia of it.. My sister obviously refused I attend for.. But there is just an answer..


PS: Just prayer and be careful along the way ; Take Care Jess 


  1. my lovely dry mui, don't scare of it,
    I blieve u can conquer it.
    We will overcome with u 2gether, let's give u a chance to fight the phobia down!
    Jia You!
    (thus, I scared too :P)

  2. So thoughtful of u dry jae,
    finally i did not choose to face it,
    too bad cant make another good memories frm class cycling trip..
    I'm okay as v still hv a lot of chance in future ^^
